Pollen count

Breathe deeply, No runny nose, This is possible in BINZ

More than 30 % the population is suffering from allergies, Trend is growing. Allergy sufferers should search for a destination, the relief provides. The mild stimulating climate prevails in the Baltic Sea Resorts on Rügen. The iodine sea air is popular among people with allergies and asthma. The pollen is usually very low. "All sea near coastal landscapes with vast sea winds are low in pollen and therefore recommended", It means when the German Foundation for pollen. "The German North- and Baltic Sea Islands are considered to be relatively ,"hay fever-sure '."

Heavy pollen flight
Heavy pollen flight

Atopic dermatitis patients also get their money in BINZ, because the salt-laden air serves as a veritable panacea for skin diseases, and by the way of Rügen is one of the sunniest areas of in Germany. The Sun will release extra cortisol in the body, what inhibits the inflammatory processes in the body.

The German weather service offers detailed information about the pollen flight on his Web page: www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/gefahrenindizespollen/gefahrenindexpollen.html.

Pollenarmer Beach in BINZ