Island toboggan hills

Germany's northernmost summer- and winter toboggan run on Rügen

The Rugard is a 91 Meter-high wooded elevation on the northeastern outskirts of Bergen, on the up to 1325 a Slavic castle stood. In the adventure world on the Rugard in Bergen on Rügen there are numerous highlights, like the island toboggan run. The 700 Meter long toboggan run with 7 Steep turns, the highlight for young and old is some jumps and a wave. At the fast downhill to overcome 27 Altitude. The journey ends at a roundabout of the action. On the way you will “flashed”, an electronic photo system measures the speed with. The daily speed record is saved. The photo is at the output for 2,50 Euro as a souvenir home with take. Right next to it is the Slide tower with 3 Slides of superlatives.

Make a mini snack and a sausage stand for the well-being. There is also a public toilet with coin payment. Parking on site is free of charge.

Island mountain bobsleigh track embedded in the natural landscape of the Rugard
Island mountain bobsleigh track embedded in the natural landscape of the Rugard
Action, Fun and speed on the descent into the Valley
Action, Fun and speed on the descent into the Valley
Snack and bratwurst stand Island toboggan hills
Snack and bratwurst stand Island toboggan hills
Look at the entire 700 Meter long toboggan run
Look at the entire 700 Meter long toboggan run

Prices 2024

Adults: Single trip 3,00 Euro, 4 Rides 11 Euro, 10 Rides 26 Euro
Children up to 14 Years: Single trip 2,50 Euro, 4 Rides 9 Euro, 10 Rides 21 Euro
Children up to 3 Years free

Small family cards: 4 Journeys Adults. & 4 Rides Children 18 Euro
Large family card: 8 Adults and 8 Children's rides 34 Euro

Kombiticket: 6 x Rutschen und 6 x Rodeln 20 Euro

The purchased driving chips always remain valid. Upon return, for each child- or adult driving chip only 1,00 € refunded.

Opening hours

by 10 Watch up to 19 Watch

April-June and September/October
by 10 Watch up to 18 Watch

by 13 Watch until the darkness

Dead Sunday Closed
24.-26. December Closed

More toboggan runs are available on